Registration for CZECH and SLOVAK classes for children and adults is now OPEN! Classes to begin in early February!
Please sign up for online classes at the Czech and Slovak School of North Carolina now! CZECH ONLINE classes for CHILDREN SLOVAK ONLINE classes for CHILDREN ONLINE classes for ADULTS In-person SLOVAK classes for children in CHARLOTTE (Sundays 10:00 am - 12:00 pm): If interested, please let us know at [email protected] If you are NOT on our MAILING LIST, please sign up here. Czech and Slovak School of North Carolina si Vás dovoluje pozvat na 9. výroční konferenci českých škol v Severní Americe, která se uskuteční 29.–31. května 2020 v Chapel Hill v Severní Karolíně. Podrobné informace naleznete na tomto odkaze.
Czech and Slovak School of North Carolina cordially invites you to attend the 9th Annual Conference of Czech Schools in North America, which will take place on May 29–31, 2020 in Chapel Hill, North Carolina. Please note that the conference will be held in the Czech language! More information here. 2018 Christmas Pageant in Durham, NC - VIDEO
![]() Czech- and Slovak-related organizations in North Carolina
View our online directory of Czech- and Slovak-related businesses and organizations in North Carolina. If you are interested in having your company listed, or you know of any other Czech or Slovak organizations that could be added, please do not hesitate to let us know. Slovak World Calendar Features Our School
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